Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wow, Im out of shape.
Things have been good. I have done a few shows and I'm having a good response. Also the website seems to be doing its share of business, but like all things in life I want more and I want it NOW! I have to say that now I'm nervous about what turn the business will take with the passing of some legislation which changes the sale of items for children under 12. This could be it for the small time proprietor. We shall see.
Christmas is right around the corner. We anticipate seeing Santa this week, so pics will be posted. Speaking of pics, do I have alot to share from today! Today it SNOWED. Not just a little, but alot, enough to cover the ground and enough for J and I to make two cute snowmen! C didn't seem to care too much, she just kind of looked at it and grunted as to say that it was dirt or something, but the cold air had her frisky. It was nice that it happened today as this was the first day we all were feeling a bit better. We have been sickly for the better part of the week, but it seems as though things are back to normal.
Well this is a short and sweet update, promise more to come soon. I have to get the snow pictures up and get some pics of her outside with the snowmen, so check back soon!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Yep, Im a slacker...
I promise to get back on the wagon and get some pictures of my super cute turtle back on the web. So before November comes and goes, fun will be had!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Great Pumpkin
Monday, October 27, 2008
Back in the saddle, sort of...
Oh speaking of "LOL's" I just thought Id mention that I write the blog as I am having a coversation, so I know at times there is incorrect punctuation, run-ons and such, but I just dont feel like bothering with all of that, I prefer a laid back jambalaya of words and thoughts...have fun trying to decipher all of randomness. ::wink::
Oh and as of 4:30-5am this morning I am an AUNT! How cool is that, C has a cousin, a little baby to come I'm sure:)
So I still have to post pics of the floor, which I love! Will do that eventually.
Also, last week we took C for pictures at JCP. Trainwreck. Ugh, this russian lady was just not a photographer. We had such a nice experience last time and this was BAD. She wasted so many good shots and was way too light with the trigger finger. So after an hour we ended up with like 20 pics and only 2 decent ones. I can take 20 pics and have 10 decent ones in 5 minutes...UGH. So when I get those I will be sending them out as well.
This week is Halloween, we arent quite sure what we are doing yet. The fall festival was cancelled, so we will probablly end up at the zoo.
Oh and as promised, pics from our RAD time at Sea-World (as soon as I can, I am having loading problems). I am so in love with that place. The pics just cant eveen do justice in showing how much fun we had!
Well thats all I have for now, tomorrow we are haniging with some friends in a pre-halloween party, so Im sure Ill have pics of fat babies in costumes, does it get any better?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Cant stand it
Also, since It pooped out on us in San Antonio I didn't get any pics of Sea World. I will upload the ones I get from my moms camera as soon as I get them.
So there it is, the reason for no update after Sea World I will post ASAP. I hope that I can get this camera situation in order soon, the thing isn't even a year old yet...::SIGH:: I'm going through shutter withdrawal.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Bizzy Bees
Ah...where does the time go?
I also had to include pics of my turtle in the plaid dress...this was MY dress as a little girl, one day if I get around to organizing my pics I may come across a pic of me in this dress, Ill be sure to post a comparison.
Today we went to play date and visited in Crockett. Last week we had a nice play date with a friend and her adorable 4 month old , seems like only yesterday that C was that little, its sad how fast time flies.
We are enjoying October and looking forward to our big trip to Sea-World this weekend. I'm sure I will be on photo-overload when we get back. I cant wait, we will be gone Friday through Sunday...its going to be so much FUN! Don't be jealous, Ill post plenty of pics, so everyone can enjoy looking at how much fun we had:)
Tomorrow we have dentist appointments, so not looking forward to that, not after the root canal incident. Yuck.
The flooring is going well, the dining room and entryway are almost complete, my parents and I spent all weekend, everyone worked so hard and they look great, as soon as I finish the grout work and clean them up and seal them I will post pics.
Well that's it for now. Hope everyone enjoys the pics, Oh and that totally adorable Halloween outfit she is wearing in the photos, yeah, my completely talented mom made that..shes that good:) Its so CUTE!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Rootin' tootin Root Canal...
The root canal is over, I was a complete and utter basket case. No matter how many people told me it was going to be easy breezy, I didn't buy it. I should have. Instead I walked into the building and burst into tears, tried to regain composure before walking into the office, and sadly I couldn't so there I sat filling out the paperwork, crying like a totally baby. Oh least there was no one else there to see me. I wasn't even given an option, he looked at me and what a mess I was and told the nurse lady that "we are going to need gas". Lovely.
Anyway, today I feel good, no real pain, last weeks fillings hurt so much more than today. I hope its all over.
Everyone else is good, nothing too exciting right now, J is back out mowing the property and C is taking a nap. I will update with some pics in a while. I have to upload some before and after pics of the floor we are laying this weekend! YAY!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Fair on the square
This week was a whirlwind...and next week is looking even busier... Monday at moms, Tues is playdate and visiting, Wed I am getting a ROOT CANAL!!! Im dying about this, Thurs..well nothing yet but Im sure that will change soon enough!
Fall is here and it seems like once it comes the year just closes in quickly! Right now I am trying to plan a family photo shoot, I figure that if I start planning outfits and locations that maybe my Christmas I will have some to upload~ ha!
Also coming up soon, we are going to Sea-World...yaaaaayyy we are going in 2 weeks...and next weekend we are ripping out our carpet and laying tile floors in the house...Im telling you, we know how to keep it movinga round here.
Ill update soon
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Back to normal
J has been working diligently to get our property mowed and we have been trying to get some other "chores" done, like getting water and electricity out there. Its so relaxing and peaceful out there. C and I tried fishing train wreck. I even brought her own pole, but she wanted mine. Oh, and when I caught a fish she just wanted to kiss it and got ever so angry when I threw it back into the water. Looks like I have an animal lover:)
J is back to the grind at school, this semester is getting to him. He is not appreciating one of his business classes. Turns out that we tend to forget math that we learned 10 years ago. Poor J, hes a geez. LOL!
That's about it for now...Ill get those photos uploaded so you all can appreciate the twinkle toes!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Still without power
We are luckier than most. Lucky for us we have great family close enough who doesnt seem to mind the attitude of little miss that much:) We have gone fishing, fed horses, read a few books and even indulged in a few SONIC drinks, what else does one need? We are having a nice time, although we do miss being at home. We have kept busy so far, J and his dad went and with the help of a few cleaned up our yard a bit. They removed the tree that was once a threat of falling on the house. J called a neighbor tonight and we are still without power. Hopefully this will be resolved soon, but we are thankful to currently have power and water at our parents house.
Currently my own folks are without power and have another couple living with them from Galveston. Its so hard to think about the fact that the inevitable is that they are indeed homeless. I am so thankful for what I have.
I will update once again with pics and fun stuff once we get things back to normal.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Yep, shes a biggun' & hurricane update
About the docs appt. Well Toot had a good one, it was pretty uneventful. She is 35.5" tall and in the 99% and she is 30.25lbs in the 97%. Doc said she looks very good and on the right track. He says that she destined to be a tall girl. Lord knows she has a good foundation forming since she is sporting some size 7 skis, I mean shoes, these days!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
See...Zoo's aren't smelly.
Tomorrow is C's 18 month appt so we will be sure to update about all of that!
Of course we will continue to watch all updates and see what this Hurrican Ike is doing as well...UGH.. stoopid hurricane:)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Caution..LOTS of FUN and LOTS of PICTURES!
From there we hopped in the car and headed home to pick up J so that we could head to the "Paradise in the Pines" to celebrate Rick's birthday. We visited with Mimi for a while before heading over to have some kicking BBQ. Once again..we ate too much. Im thinking I see a pattern here! LOL! We had Burgers, Hotdogs, Sausage, and all the trimmings. YUMMY! Turtle got a dress up box from Nina which was a blast to try on.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Quiet before the storm
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Cooked goose
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Hardly a drop
We have been busy for the past few days. Lets see, on Monday it was Labor day, sadly that was one of Js work holidays. But Turtle and I kept plenty busy. We went and had a play date with her bff A.
The girls played well, but we started of tired and if just got worse from there. Then we went and had a BBQ dinner with J's family. Once again, we ate ourselves into a coma.
Yesterday was J's first official day back to school. I was sad, I had enjoyed so much the extra time with him during the summer, but hopefully we are in the final year countdown now! He has a busy schedule of classes and one is really proving to be a booger but he will come through. Afterwards we had to drive to the next town over and get J released from light work duty, due to his back injury. Seriously if you get hurt at work, REALLY consider if its worth claiming on workers comp. What a royal pain in the butt that whole ordeal is. Lesson learned for this family.
So we are getting back in the swing after our trip, but honestly J and I are just missing PA. It was just such a nice visit, and the weather was great. We are growing ever so tired of this incredulous Texas heat. Its inescapable and just miserable. But at least the cooler weather will be here in just a month or so....we are trying to be patient:)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Philly Baby...
From there we went and gawked at the Amish. Truly interesting people, interesting in the fact that they would rather ignore the fact that they don't have to swelter in the heat after the invention of the a/c, but hey, whatever floats their boat.
That was pretty much all of our first day along with visiting with Nana for the remainder of the evening. The next day we woke up with New Hope on our agenda. Its always a nice relaxing place to walk around.
As always we completely over indulged the entire trip. Way too many Tasty cakes, pretzels, cheesesteaks, water ice's, and Pizza. Seriously...way..too..much. Another Philly trip that was a Major success that left me a little sad to have to leave. I hate to say it but Bucks County is seriously such a beautiful place, visit it any time you get a chance. But I may be biased...I'm just a Philly girl at heart.