Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Caution..LOTS of FUN and LOTS of PICTURES!

We have been having so much fun here lately. I told you that it would be crazy busy but I knew we would get in some great photo ops along the way:) What I didnt do the other day is tell you all about the awesome time we had taking turtle fishing for the first time. This was after the craziness of the wild goose! Turtle wasnt really happy about having to sit still and not get in the pond, but we did the best we could to show her a good time, I caught one about 7 inches, and well J, he caught the cutest little 1 1/2" ..LOL!

Today was great as well. But oh-so-busy! First we started the day with our best playdate peeps at the Childrens Museum. What a great time. Turtle is always down for some museum fun! We played until their little tummies gave in and we had to have a yummy meal in the food court.

Misty and Hannah Denise, Ryan, Brenna & Julie

This is what pooped looks like!

From there we hopped in the car and headed home to pick up J so that we could head to the "Paradise in the Pines" to celebrate Rick's birthday. We visited with Mimi for a while before heading over to have some kicking BBQ. Once again..we ate too much. Im thinking I see a pattern here! LOL! We had Burgers, Hotdogs, Sausage, and all the trimmings. YUMMY! Turtle got a dress up box from Nina which was a blast to try on.

Needless to say, we are exhausted. Little diva fell out quick tonight, but she better rest well because we have a great day of fun planned with her BFF Ava tomorrow. We are thinking either zoo or something air conditioned...we will see!

Oh, and I did go to the Boot Camp, and OMG. Im hurting in places that I really honestly didnt know I could hurt. In a baaaad way. This little chica that is running the show better slow down, or Im going to stroke. Im really hoping that it gets easier the more I go. On a bright note, mini me went to the childcare for the first time ever and they told me she was SOOOO good which of course makes her mommy very happy!

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