Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back to normal

Well as normal as we get! LOL J has been on me about how behind I am getting with the blog. Not much to report. Things have been good since we got electricity again. It was last Friday that we got to come home, thank goodness. I am so glad that things are back on track. This week has literally flown by. I have a few photos to upload. This week my prima donna got her tootsies painted for the first time. Its just too darn cute. Ill tell her she has pretty toes and she sticks them up and wiggles them at me. Shes just perfect!

J has been working diligently to get our property mowed and we have been trying to get some other "chores" done, like getting water and electricity out there. Its so relaxing and peaceful out there. C and I tried fishing train wreck. I even brought her own pole, but she wanted mine. Oh, and when I caught a fish she just wanted to kiss it and got ever so angry when I threw it back into the water. Looks like I have an animal lover:)
J is back to the grind at school, this semester is getting to him. He is not appreciating one of his business classes. Turns out that we tend to forget math that we learned 10 years ago. Poor J, hes a geez. LOL!
That's about it for now...Ill get those photos uploaded so you all can appreciate the twinkle toes!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Still without power

Our current hurricane status: Displaced. Current outlook: Hopeful

We are luckier than most. Lucky for us we have great family close enough who doesnt seem to mind the attitude of little miss that much:) We have gone fishing, fed horses, read a few books and even indulged in a few SONIC drinks, what else does one need? We are having a nice time, although we do miss being at home. We have kept busy so far, J and his dad went and with the help of a few cleaned up our yard a bit. They removed the tree that was once a threat of falling on the house. J called a neighbor tonight and we are still without power. Hopefully this will be resolved soon, but we are thankful to currently have power and water at our parents house.

Currently my own folks are without power and have another couple living with them from Galveston. Its so hard to think about the fact that the inevitable is that they are indeed homeless. I am so thankful for what I have.

I will update once again with pics and fun stuff once we get things back to normal.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Yep, shes a biggun' & hurricane update

We are safe and sound in Crockett. C and I decided to come up here since we would have to be without J at the house and we are without a generator at the house. I figured company is always nice when entertainment is at a minimum. Everything is good here, we enjoyed a nice dinner at a restaurant that had not closed up shop yet and even slipped in an ice cream cone. We are just hoping and wishing that everything stays quiet and that the storm doesn't hit too hard. Not too much to say about the storm that many aren't already feeling.

About the docs appt. Well Toot had a good one, it was pretty uneventful. She is 35.5" tall and in the 99% and she is 30.25lbs in the 97%. Doc said she looks very good and on the right track. He says that she destined to be a tall girl. Lord knows she has a good foundation forming since she is sporting some size 7 skis, I mean shoes, these days!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

See...Zoo's aren't smelly.

This is how our friend Kat described Zoos'. But I think today may have changed her opinion. Today was AWESOME! The girls had such a nice time. Of course it was hot, very, very hot. Luckily the zoo does provide a nice amount of shade and humidity was a little better today so it was enjoyable. I figured this would be such a heavy picture thread to share the funtime we had today that I would try my first ever in-post slideshow. I hope everyone enjoys seeing the pics. These two are just so much fun!

Tomorrow is C's 18 month appt so we will be sure to update about all of that!

Of course we will continue to watch all updates and see what this Hurrican Ike is doing as well...UGH.. stoopid hurricane:)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Caution..LOTS of FUN and LOTS of PICTURES!

We have been having so much fun here lately. I told you that it would be crazy busy but I knew we would get in some great photo ops along the way:) What I didnt do the other day is tell you all about the awesome time we had taking turtle fishing for the first time. This was after the craziness of the wild goose! Turtle wasnt really happy about having to sit still and not get in the pond, but we did the best we could to show her a good time, I caught one about 7 inches, and well J, he caught the cutest little 1 1/2" ..LOL!

Today was great as well. But oh-so-busy! First we started the day with our best playdate peeps at the Childrens Museum. What a great time. Turtle is always down for some museum fun! We played until their little tummies gave in and we had to have a yummy meal in the food court.

Misty and Hannah Denise, Ryan, Brenna & Julie

This is what pooped looks like!

From there we hopped in the car and headed home to pick up J so that we could head to the "Paradise in the Pines" to celebrate Rick's birthday. We visited with Mimi for a while before heading over to have some kicking BBQ. Once again..we ate too much. Im thinking I see a pattern here! LOL! We had Burgers, Hotdogs, Sausage, and all the trimmings. YUMMY! Turtle got a dress up box from Nina which was a blast to try on.

Needless to say, we are exhausted. Little diva fell out quick tonight, but she better rest well because we have a great day of fun planned with her BFF Ava tomorrow. We are thinking either zoo or something air conditioned...we will see!

Oh, and I did go to the Boot Camp, and OMG. Im hurting in places that I really honestly didnt know I could hurt. In a baaaad way. This little chica that is running the show better slow down, or Im going to stroke. Im really hoping that it gets easier the more I go. On a bright note, mini me went to the childcare for the first time ever and they told me she was SOOOO good which of course makes her mommy very happy!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Quiet before the storm

This weeks outlook...well its busy with a side of manic. But that's alright with me. You know what they say about idle hands. Lets see... this week starts off with me engaging in some domestic duties and possibly trying out my first Fat Burning Boot camp, then we have play date (possibly our first at the children's museum) on Tuesday followed by us celebrating Ricks b-day by visiting and enjoying the afternoon with J's parents. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICK! Lets see, on Wednesday we are "planning" on trying to mow our land, but we will see what the weather has in store for us. Thursday is probably some sort of park day followed by aerobics and my first water aerobics. That puts us at Friday...where has the week gone? Seriously??? Well, Friday I'm sure will be exciting, it always is with us! WHEW! Its always good times, and I'm ready to get them started~ Hopefully all this action will result in some great pics to come!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cooked goose

So Texas gets like 5 pretty days a was one of them. Turtle & I got up early and went to the duck park. That is always a good time. We haven't been in months since its been so darn hot. We took a packed lunch and of course fed the ducks. Turtle is getting so much better at feeding the ducks, she actually throws the bread now, before she would jam it in her mouth as fast as you gave it to her.

We enjoyed actually walking around the whole park today, she was a trooper. We found "treasures" which were the most important thing ever.

Oh, and we got to see these ducks that are like the same age as her. I remember the first time I took her to the park they were very newly hatched, its so fun to see little ones grow up no matter if they are children or animals.

Speaking of that I have NO love for, zilch, nada is freaking geese. I hate them. There I said it and I don't feel bad, I could care less that they are one of Gods creatures and whatnot, they are awful. They are loud, stinky, messy, did I say LOUD and they a menace. Oh yeah, and the little bastards bite. One of those things bit me on the freaking leg today, guess he knew how much I hate them:( Oh well, it will be my new mission to rid the world of those fowl creatures...::wink:: Stinking goose, if I get a hold of him, he will have an apple up his butt and be thanksgiving dinner!

Anyhow, after the park we had some errands to run, while we were out we got the best gift of the day. Seriously I could have scrapped the whole day and just handed her this and life would have been this is the best gift ever.....

Her own cup of water in a Sonic cup. Yep, shes just like me!

Then we went on home to take rides in the wagon and ride our bikes. Needless to say, I am pooped. I think I'm as ready for a nap as she is. So little one is snoozing, and I'm left to figure out the remainder of the days activities. We get so few pretty days a year, that I'm taking full advantage.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hardly a drop

Well the hurricane has come and gone and we were lucky, with all the prep and speculation we ended up with a small amout of rain. The skies looked like they would just drown us at any minute but luckily they never did.
We have been busy for the past few days. Lets see, on Monday it was Labor day, sadly that was one of Js work holidays. But Turtle and I kept plenty busy. We went and had a play date with her bff A.

The girls played well, but we started of tired and if just got worse from there. Then we went and had a BBQ dinner with J's family. Once again, we ate ourselves into a coma.
Yesterday was J's first official day back to school. I was sad, I had enjoyed so much the extra time with him during the summer, but hopefully we are in the final year countdown now! He has a busy schedule of classes and one is really proving to be a booger but he will come through. Afterwards we had to drive to the next town over and get J released from light work duty, due to his back injury. Seriously if you get hurt at work, REALLY consider if its worth claiming on workers comp. What a royal pain in the butt that whole ordeal is. Lesson learned for this family.
So we are getting back in the swing after our trip, but honestly J and I are just missing PA. It was just such a nice visit, and the weather was great. We are growing ever so tired of this incredulous Texas heat. Its inescapable and just miserable. But at least the cooler weather will be here in just a month or so....we are trying to be patient:)