Sunday, June 14, 2009

Okay, I mean it...

Alright, Alright, I know I have been the world's worst as keeping up with the blog. Its just that our life is so much fun and exciting that it hard to chronicle that in a timely manner, LOL!Actually someone mentioned the blog to me and it jogged my memory to get back on it.
So much has happened since I last posted,lets see, in February we went to San Diego to see my sister and my nephew. That was so much fun, that place is indescribably beautiful. In March C celebrated her 2nd birthday.

We had a mickey themed party and it was a blast. Two doesn't sound old but I'm realizing that I no longer have a baby on my hands, she is becoming an independent little girl, that seriously gives me a case of the "sadz". I have pics upon pics to upload and show off all about this. We
have started a new family hobby of letter boxing which we have done as much as we can, its a blast, more to come on these adventures. In April we celebrated J's birthday as well as our anniversary, J took C and I to a mini vaca at Galveston. That was GREAT! WE stayed at an awesome hotel right on the water and it had a great pool in it. C loved to ocean and realized how much she loved the pool even more. In May we took a camping trip to our property, it was so quiet and relaxing to do nothing other than fish, play horseshoes and eat smores..lots and lots of smores.

We have also taken numerous trips to the state park and out to the family Farm to ride the mule which also is fun filled trip each time we go!
Now that brings us to June, well already we have had lots of adventures; we have gone to the children's museum where C got painted up like a kitten and had a blast in the water park.

Id recommend it to anyone, although the website states no outside food or drink, this is not the case, the food there is expensive and they do have an outside eating area within the museum designed especially for bring your own lunches, so just FYI. Also we took C to her very first movie, "UP". Oh that was cute. She did so well she made it through the entire movie like a champ! Thank goodness considering it was 102 degrees outside and that was our only activity for the day! We have also gone blueberry picking. C did well for about 20 minutes but it was so hot, it gets hot in a hurry around here:( Fortunately there were lots of berries to eat that she happened to find on the ground, LOL!
And last but not least the pool. For C's b-day we got a pool, its not huge but it has been a blast of a good time in our backyard. She has become quite the swimmer. Also my mom has gotten a pool so there hasn't been a week go by that C hasn't gotten a nice case of "raisin toes!"
I will be updating on a more regular basis as I have a new format Id like to try out. As always pics are coming...

And the countdown begins until our next adventure...camping on north padre! YEAH!

1 comment:

Kat said...

OK, so since I am a blogwhore, I'm glad you posted.
I however, am far too lazy to blog! :)