I love my kid. Shes so funny, no like REALLY funny. She says the cutest things. We have found ourselves in December. Time flies and its hard to stop at any point in our whrilwind lives and take time out to chronicle. I really must find a way for this all to slow down.
Halloween was pronounced "HowHow ween" its was blast, we took her to the Square in C-town, not ideal but it did the job.

My sister came in and brought her son to celebrate his first birthday. During this time my grandfather started Chemo and his completely curable cancer turned into a nasty little monster. ::Sigh:: Its been laughter, tears, frustration and love. But every single day is a gift and should be slowed down as much as possible as to enjoy it down the very last drop. Drink it in. Life is short and the world is small.
Thanksgiving has passed, to list what Im thankful for would be a task in vain, as every single day Id have to add even more. Im just thankful. Christmas is falling upon us rapidly. "Ho ho claus will be so happy" I hear this 10x per day and every single time it makes me smile. We put up the tree and he'd be so happy, we put up the lights and he'd be so happy. Everything we do these days is in anticipation and lure of Santa and Im loving it all. We wrote to him tonight and sealed the letter with a kiss so that he may send us one of his elves to visit and report to him how good shes being. I bet he does, because Santa is cool like that. This will be the best Christmas by far. I wish I could figure out how to "BE" christmas, because I would so do it.
She says so much every day that I need to chronicle. She loves marshmallows like little bear, she "told you" when you are in trouble with her, and at the end of the day really all she wants is a sweet tart. Simple.

We're redone the house and by WE I mean ME. I painted the inside and out, and it feels great. I got a new ride and although I was sad to say goodbye to Lucy, I love Natalie. It feels good to say it ;) I have so much more, so much we've done, so much we've said, it makes me feel guilty for not stopping to write it down, but Im sure someone way smarter than I has quoted about what happens to you when you are looking down to write about life...you miss it. But I dont have time to figure out exactly how it goes or who sad it. Until the next time I stop to breathe...Peace, Love and Thanks. Happy Holidays~